Initially, let’s define our hypoparameters. Like in lots of other metaheuristic algorithms, these variables ought to be adjusted on the best way, and there isn’t a versatile set of values. But let’s follow these ones:
POP_SIZE = 10 #population size
MAX_ITER = 30 #the quantity of optimization iterations
w = 0.2 #inertia weight
c1 = 1 #personal acceleration factor
c2 = 2 #social acceleration factor
Now let’s create a function which might generate a random population:
def populate(size):
x1,x2 = -10, 3 #x1, x2 = right and left boundaries of our X axis
pop = rnd.uniform(x1,x2, size) # size = amount of particles in population
return pop
If we visualize it, we’ll get something like this:
y1=function(x1)plt.plot(x,y, lw=3, label='Func to optimize')
plt.plot(x1,y1,marker='o', ls='', label='Particles')
Here you may see that I randomly initialized a population of fifty particles, a few of that are already near the answer.
Now let’s implement the PSO algorithm itself. I commented each row within the code, but when you may have any questions, be at liberty to ask within the comments below.
"""Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)"""
particles = populate(POP_SIZE) #generating a set of particles
velocities = np.zeros(np.shape(particles)) #velocities of the particles
gains = -np.array(function(particles)) #calculating function values for the populationbest_positions = np.copy(particles) #it's our first iteration, so all positions are one of the best
swarm_best_position = particles[np.argmax(gains)] #x with with the best gain
swarm_best_gain = np.max(gains) #highest gain
l = np.empty((MAX_ITER, POP_SIZE)) #array to gather all pops to visualise afterwards
for i in range(MAX_ITER):
l[i] = np.array(np.copy(particles)) #collecting a pop to visualise
r1 = rnd.uniform(0, 1, POP_SIZE) #defining a random coefficient for private behavior
r2 = rnd.uniform(0, 1, POP_SIZE) #defining a random coefficient for social behavior
velocities = np.array(w * velocities + c1 * r1 * (best_positions - particles) + c2 * r2 * (swarm_best_position - particles)) #calculating velocities
particles+=velocities #updating position by adding the rate
new_gains = -np.array(function(particles)) #calculating latest gains
idx = np.where(new_gains > gains) #getting index of Xs, which have a greater gain now
best_positions[idx] = particles[idx] #updating one of the best positions with the brand new particles
gains[idx] = new_gains[idx] #updating gains
if np.max(new_gains) > swarm_best_gain: #if current maxima is greateer than across all previous iters, than assign
swarm_best_position = particles[np.argmax(new_gains)] #assigning one of the best candidate solution
swarm_best_gain = np.max(new_gains) #assigning one of the best gain
print(f'Iteration {i+1} tGain: {swarm_best_gain}')
After 30 iteration we’ve got this:
As you may see the algorithm fell into the local minimum, which isn’t what we wanted. That’s why we’d like to tune our hypoparameters and begin again. This time I made a decision to set inertia weight w=0.8, thus, now the previous velocity has a greater impact on the present state.
And voila, we reached the worldwide minimum of the function. I strongly encourage you to mess around with POP_SIZE, c₁ and c₂. It’ll let you gain a greater understanding of the code and the concept behind PSO. For those who’re interested you may complicate the duty and optimize some 3D function and make a pleasant visualization.
[1]Shi Y. Particle swarm optimization //IEEE connections. — 2004. — Т. 2. — №. 1. — С. 8–13.
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